Dirty, dusty upholstery isn’t merely unsightly, it can cause premature wear (and health problems… but that’s another article for another day). An accumulation of contaminants creates an abrasive residue that cuts into the fibers every time someone sits down or shifts positions.
Many people are conscientious about having their furniture professionally cleaned once a year or when they notice it is dirty. The thing is, dirty furniture doesn’t always look dirty. How can you tell if you are having it cleaned often enough? This is a great question to ask, but the answer will vary, depending on who you ask, how often the furniture is used, how often you vacuum your upholstery, whether you have kids or pets or both, and so on…
When your car is in need of service, a light on the dashboard comes on to warn you. Unfortunately, the same is not true of furniture. So until someone invents fabric with special sensors, here’s a simple test you can do to determine whether it’s time to have your upholstery professionally cleaned. It doesn’t cost a thing, it’s easy and fast, and it works like a charm.
Use a spray bottle to lightly mist a soft, white terry cloth with water. Wrap the cloth around the end of a vacuum cleaner hose. Hold the cloth in place as you turn the vacuum cleaner on. Lightly move the vacuum hose across the surface of the furniture —left to right, up and down, over the seat, arm rests, and cushions —for about one minute.
Inspect the cloth. If it’s time to have your upholstery professionally cleaned, you’ll be able to see for yourself, based on the evidence you find.
This is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of Stone and Tile PRO Partners.