“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” ~ John Holmes Every now and then, we all embark on an endeavor that is way out of our comfort zone. We accept a tremendous challenge. These ventures are the sort of activities that keep our lives rich and interesting. In February, 2013 my daughter, Continue Reading
i-Cleaning Specialist’s Brian Kornet Interview
This article appeared in the i-Cleaning Specialist's e-magazine in their 50 year anniversary special edition on February 4th, 2013. You can find the published article here:https://www.icsmag.com/articles/91786-ics-50th-brian-kornetBrian Kornet is a 37-year veteran of the industry and current president of Fabra Cleen.

Brian Kornet Inspires Peers at StonExpo
Brian Kornet reaches the industry with his challenge to elevate the standard of professionalism. His presentations at StonExpo, IICRC meetings and more are met with enthusiasm.

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